SSA-561 Form / Form SSA-561-U2: Request for Reconsideration

Form SSA-561-U2: Request for Reconsideration

Whether you have been denied social security benefits or you simply disagree with a decision made by the Social Security Administration (SSA), never fear! Our website is here to help you navigate these murky waters effectively. A key tool in your arsenal will be the SSA-561-U2 appeal form, also known as the "Request for Reconsideration." This form is what you will need to submit your appeal. In this guide, we will break down various scenarios where this form may come into play and explain how to use it to air your grievances with the SSA.

When to Appeal Using the SSA-561-U2 Form

The SSA-561-U2 form can be applied in several different circumstances. Some of these include:

  • You were denied disability benefits
    Suppose the SSA has denied you disability insurance benefits or Supplement Security Income. For instance, you may have a condition that you believe makes you eligible for disability. However, SSA doesn't recognize this condition as severe enough to warrant benefits.
  • Disagreement with the determination of age, disability, or blindness
    Any disagreement with the SSA’s decision regarding an individual’s age, disability, or blindness can be appealed using the SSA-561-U2 form.
  • The amount of your benefits is not what you expected
    This could happen, for example, if you were allocated lower retirement benefits than you anticipated based on your record of earnings and property.

Steps to Properly Fill out the SSA-561-U2 Form

Submitted incorrect or incomplete SSA-561-U2 form risks being rejected or delayed. Following these steps can help ensure your form is properly filled:

  • Personal Information
    The first section requires information like your social security number, full name, and contact details. Make sure these details correlate accurately with those on your SSA records.
  • Details of the Decision
    In this section, you have to detail the specifics of the decision you disagree with, including dates and any letters received.
  • Reason for Disagreement
    Explain clearly and succinctly why you disagree with the decision. Provide as much detail as possible to support your case.
  • Sign and Date
    Don’t forget to sign the form and include the date. Be sure to review it for any mistakes before you do so. 

After filling it out, submit the SSA-561-U2 form to your local Social Security Office or online. Remember to make copies and keep records.

Appeals can be a complicated process, especially when dealing with government services. However, with this guide, understanding and filling out the SSA-561-U2 form should be a much smoother process. Always consult with a legal professional if you find you need assistance.